As I have mentioned in previous articles the key to our standing as the premier Aldgate East Jack the Ripper Tour is that we use the World’s greatest authorities on the subject as guides.
Let’s be honest. Who would you rather be taken on a walk with, an actor who has read a few books on Jack the Ripper and then calls himself an expert, or an acknowledged authority who has written extensively on the subject, who has lectured all over the World on the mystery, and who can prove his claims to being an expert?
In short, would you rather be taken around by a guide who read a book or the guide who that wrote the book?
Well, Philip Hutchinson most certainly falls into the latter category having written two books on the Jack the Ripper case.
These books, Jack the Ripper’s London Then and Now and The Jack the Ripper Locations Photos have contributed hugely to our knowledge and understanding of the Jack the Ripper case. Indeed both books feature location photographs of the murder sites that have never been seen before.
These photos, which are featured on our tour, have caused a massive amount of excitement amongst ripperologists the World over and, as result, Philip has travelled far and wide to lecture about these exciting discoveries.
But Philip isn’t just some dry as dust academic who drones on and on about dull facts and figures on his tours.
Philip is a trained actor whose tours are thought-provoking, lively and entertaining.
Indeed, when Philip takes you on a walk it is as though you are being led around the area at the time of the murders. His tours are packed with drama.
At the same time, he is only too happy to shatter numerous popular, and widely held, myths on the Jack the Ripper case, doing so with a sardonic humour that leaves his audiences delighted.
Philip is often asked for by name when people phone us to book a Jack the Ripper Tour and, such is his reputation for quality guiding, the popular website Go Europe, when they reviewed his tour, gave him five stars and hailed him, quite simply, as the “best” Jack the Ripper guide in London.”
So watch Philip at work on the video below and see for yourself that a tour with Philip Hutchinson is a tour the the maestro of the macabre!