In 2010 four of our guides,Paul Begg, Richard Jones, John Bennett and Philip Hutchinson took part in the Channel Five drama/documentary Jack the Ripper:- The Definitive Story.
This ground breaking documentary used modern techniques to recreate the streets of Whitechapel and Spitalfield as they were in 1888. The fact that the film makers chose more of our Jack the Ripper Tour guides to be expert interviewees than the guides of any other company (in fact only one other guide, other than ours, was used) stands as a testimony to our expertise on the case.
The programme is narrated by Paul Begg, who you can meet on the tours we offer that are conducted by his wife Judy and who is only to happy to discuss the case with fellow enthusiasts. Paul Begg is internationally recognised as one of the world’s leading experts on the case. Richard Jones appears talking about the press reportage on the murders and about the case as a whole, whilst John Bennett appears to discuss the origins of the name Jack the Ripper.