Today you have the opportunity to test your knowledge on the Jack the Ripper crimes.
We have designed a 10 question quiz that will allow you to see how much you know about the Whitechapel Murders. Most of the questions shouldn’t prove too difficult for those who have studied the crimes, although the answers to one or two of them might not spring readily to mind and might require a little research.
When you have completed the quiz you will know instantly if you passed or failed and if, therefore, you can call yourself a ripperologist. This certificate, awarded by our Department of Ripperology, will detail your score, which you can then share with your friends and colleagues to show of your knowledge of the World’s most infamous crimes.
Why not get your friends to also do the quiz and see which of you scores the highest?
To get started simply enter your name and click next and you will begin the 10 question quiz.
The pass rate incidentally is 70%. See, if you can achieve it!
On your marks, get set……