Are You An Expert?

A figure pointing saying you are an expert.One of the intriguing things about our Jack the Ripper Tour is that many of those who join us for a walk around the various sites and locations connected with the Whitechapel Murders have a terrific amount of personal knowledge about the crimes. In fact, we like to describe ourselves as the tour led by experts for experts!

Our tour tends to attract, and is conducted for, the type of person who is not seeking the gimmicky type of tourist trap that so many organisations now offer. 

Our clients tend to be knowledgeable about the subject and they, therefore, want to discuss aspects of  it with an expert guide who can, not only field and answer their questions, but who is also able to hold an intelligent conversation about a case that has been fascinating and baffling people for over 126 years.

Indeed we like to think of ourselves as, very much, the thinking persons Jack the Ripper Walk. So, when you join us for the tour, you will be in the company of a guide who knows the subject inside out and who is, therefore,  not only able to give you a great insight into the case, but is also able to conduct the walk in a way that involves every participant and, effectively, unites every member of the group in a concerted effort to hunt down Jack the Ripper.

Many of our clients have a great deal of knowledge about the ripper case and are looking for a tour that can enhance that knowledge.

They don’t want to just be shown the various locations, but rather they want to be able to discuss their opinions on the case with a guide who actually knows what they are talking about. And, with our guides, they get just that.

After all our guides are internationally recognised as amongst the World’s leading experts on the case and have, between them, written 10 best selling and acclaimed books on the mystery.

In addition, you will have seen them on almost every Jack the Ripper television documentary that has screened over the last 20 years. 

But, they are also guides who are so conversant with their subject that they are able to turn each walk into a genuine experience whereby the participants on the tour are as involved as the guide. We’re not one of those tours that talks at you, we’re a tour that talks with you.

Why do we do this?

Well, when it comes to Jack the Ripper, everybody is an expert.

The great thing about the case is that, since it was never – officially – solved everyone’s opinion counts. Indeed, it is our belief that open discussion about the ripper murders is probably the only way that the case is going to be solved, if, of course, there is any chance of solving it at all!

So, when you join us for the walking tour through the mean streets of the ripper’s London, you will become part of the experience and can contribute as much, or as little, as you like.

You can get an idea for the way we operate by joining our Facebook Community where we encourage people to discuss and debate various aspects of the case.

If you are there to learn about the case, then you will, most certainly, learn all about the ins and outs of the history of the crimes. If, on the other hand, you want to proffer an opinion, share and discuss what you know about the mystery, you are most welcome to do so, and your guide will be able to discuss it with you in depth.

That’s why it is important to ensure that, when it come to choosing who you wish to go with, from the veritable plethora of Jack the Ripper tours on offer, you choose a company that is able to provide the real deal and that is able to front their tour with published authors and experts on the case.

And, that is exactly what we offer.

Our walks takes place seven chilling nights a week. You can book your places here.