How good are you at solving puzzles? How well do you know the locations at which the infamous Jack the Ripper murders took place?
Well, today we’ve got the ultimate challenge for you.
Below we’ve listed the locations of several of the Jack the Ripper murder sites. How hard can that be? To be honest, it depends on how good you are with words. You see, we’ve jumbled the names up to make identifying them something of a challenge. It can’t be that hard. Can it? Well, as the great Harry Hill would have said, there’s only one way to find out.
To play the game, simply look at the jumble of letters and identify which one you think is the first. Tap it and then tap the first letter. That will then move that letter to the first place. Likewise identify which you think is the second letter tap that and then tap the second letter’s place. That will then move that letter to the second place. Just keep doing that until you have the letters in the order of the name of the location. When you think you have spelt out the location click “check” and that will tell you whether you are right or wrong. Simples!
Why not share the quiz with your friends and see which of you gets the site the quickest, or which og you gets the highest score.
Are you ready to play Scramble the Ripper. The count down begins now.
One, two, three — GO