Goodness me, the year is fast drawing to a close! In ten days, it’ll be Christmas, then, before you can say Sir Charles Warren was a very worthy Metropolitan Police Commissioner, it’s be 2017!
Where does all the time go?
But, the year is still 2016 – at least at the time of writing it is, if you’re reading this in 2017, or beyond, then please ignore that last statement – and so there is just enough time to squeeze in another of the ever popular Jack the Ripper quizzes.
So, at the bottom of this page, you will find the box in which to enter your name in order to begin the quiz.
If you don’t want to read how the quiz works, which is what follows, or you’re an old hand at our quizzes, and already know how it works, just scroll down the page, to find the quiz at the bottom of this page.
Now, at the risk of repeating myself, I’ll stress, as I have done with every quiz this year, the only reason you need to enter your name is because, once you have completed the quiz, you will be presented with a certificate from our esteemed and august body the Department of Ripperology, on which you will find your score and your name.
That is the only reason you need to enter a name, so if you don’t want to give your own name, well – you just don’t have to. Any name will do.
Once you have entered your name, click the START button and away you go.
It’s as straightforward and as simple as that.
Would that the same could be said for the ten questions you must then answer.
They are, as per usual, made up of a selection of questions that require you to either select from a multiple choice set of answers, or else to choose a true or false solution to the question.
In other words, the correct answer will be staring right back at you – the question is will you be able to spot and then select which one it is?
Should it happen that the quiz doesn’t begin when you click START, worry not. Simply scroll down to the foot of the page, underneath the quiz box, and click the white link which will then take you to a version of the quiz that will work.
We’d love for you to share your certificate on our Facebook Page, as we do like to know how people do on the quizzes. Even if you don’t share the certificate, it would be nice if you could share your score.
So, without further ado, if you feel prepared, primed, and ready to go, then the December 2016 Jack the Ripper Quiz is waiting for you.
Just enter your name – or a name – hit START – and get those little grey cells rubbing against one another as you attempt to achieve the ultimate score of 100 points.
May the force be with you!
On your marks, get set, GO!