The End The Year Quiz 2016

Well 2016 is almost over and, in just a few days time, we will be ringing in 2017.

Where did the year go?

It only seems like yesterday that we were knuckling down and preparing the first quiz of the year, for January 2016.

Since then we’ve compiled twelve fiendish quizzes, each one of them designed to get those little grey cells bouncing around in unison as participants attempt to work out the solutions to each one of the quizzes.


So, with 2016 drawing to a close, we thought we’d look back over the year and bring you a compilation quiz in which we give you one answer from each month of 2016.

It should prove a doddle.

After all, you’ve already had a bash at answering them – or at least you have if you have participated in every one of our Jack the Ripper quizzes in the twelve months now past.


However, since we are dealing with 12 months worth of quizzes, this isn’t our standard 10 question affair, but rather it consists of an astonishing twelve – yes TWELVE – questions.


As with all our quizzes, the twelve questions are made up of a combination of multi-choice or true or false answers; which, if my maths is correct, means you have either a 25% or a 50% chance of getting the right answer. If my maths isn’t correct then please accept my apologies!


If you’re an old hand at our quizzes, then you will know the drill for participating; in which case you might just like to scroll down the page, enter your name and hit the start button.

If you are new to our quizzes, then the procedure is that you enter a name – it doesn’t have to be your real name –  in the relevant box at the foot of this page  and then simply click on the start button.

The only reason that we ask for you name is because, once you have completed the quiz, you are awarded a certificate from our esteemed Department of Ripperology, which will have on it your name and score.


If, for any reason, the quiz doesn’t then start – we sometimes get issues with i-phones and i-pads – just scroll to the very bottom of the page where you will find a link to the quiz. Click that link and you’ll be taken to an online version of the quiz which should work fine.

We’d love for you to share your certificate on our Facebook page, if you are sufficiently proud of your score to do so.

But, aside from all that, just have fun with our compilation last Jack the Ripper quiz of 2016.

Good luck.