Well, Christmas day is drawing to a close, at least for another year. The turkey has gone cold, the mince pies have gone a little soggy and the thrill of all the socks and jumpers you received from Great Aunt Bertha has worn off. Now, you’re just biding your time, desperately looking for something to do to fill each unforgiving moment and just praying that old Uncle Albert isn’t going to treat you to another rendition of I did It My Way!
We’re here to help with our latest cunning conundrum of a Jack the Ripper quiz.
Below you will find 10 questions on the Whitechapel Murders in general and the Jack the Ripper atrocities in particular. The question is, how many can you get right?
They’re a combination of multiple choice or true or false answers so, with a little thought, you should enjoy a festive feast of correct answers.
To begin the quiz, simply add your name in the box below (it doesn’t have to be your actual name we only need it for the certificate you get awarded on completion) and away you go!
If, for any reason, you encounter any problems when starting the quiz, just scroll down to the foot of the page and click the white text link that reads “Jack The Ripper Christmas Quiz.” This will take you directly to the quiz.
So, if you’re ready to get those little grey cells working overtime, the clock is ticking. One, two, three GO!
Good luck and Happy Holidays.