It was January that the last of our fiendish Jack the Ripper quizzes got the synapses tingling and those little grey cells jiggling together in perfect unison.
So, I’ve been back at the grindstone over the last few days and have chiselled out another ten questions about the Whitechapel Murders.
The questions concern people and locations connected with the infamous crimes and are made up of either multiple choice or true or false answers.
To get started, all that you need to do is enter your name in the box below. It doesn’t actually have to be your real name, since we only ask for it so we can personalise the certificate that you will be presented with once you have completed the ten conundrums that we have set you.
Should you experience any problems when you start the quiz (it doesn’t work on some devices), just scroll down to the foot of the page and click the white text link that reads “Jack The Ripper March 2016 Quiz.” This will take you directly to the quiz and will, therefore, hopefully solve the problem.
Anyway, that’s enough preambling, it’s time to get started, so when you are ready ……. off you jolly well go!
Best of luck.