Can you believe it, 2018 is just around the corner?
Another year has zoomed by, and it’s time for our final Jack the Ripper Quiz of 2017.

If you are a seasoned quizzer, then you can just go ahead a click the red “Start” button below and the quiz will begin instantly.
Rember, if for any reason the quiz doesn’t begin, just go to the link directly underneath and you’ll be taken to the main version which should work without any problems.
So, whenever you’re ready, away you go!
Good luck.
If the December 2017 quiz doesn’t begin when you click start please click here.
If this is the first time you have tried one of our quizzes then please read on.
The quiz consists of 10 questions about the Whitechapel Murders and the history of the East End of London.
The questions require you to either choose from a multi-choice list of answers or select whether a statement is true or false.
That’s really all there is to it!
At the end of the quiz, our Professor of ripperelogy goes to work and, in a matter of milliseconds, will serve up your score and present you with a certificate that will record how well, or how badly(!) you did for posterity.
Don’t worry. The only person who will see this is you, unless that is you wish to share it with family and friends, or you’d like to post your certificate on our facebook page. We’d be delighted should you choose to do so, but it is completely up to you.
There is no limit on the number of times you can take the quiz, so you might like to adhere to the old adage about “try, try and try again.”
You could also share the quiz with your friends and see which of you gets the highest score – that’s always great fun.
Remember that this is just like an exam – if you don’t read the question you might answer the wrong question, so it is worth taking your time as you make your way through the quiz.
Wouldn’t it be awful if you missed out on a maximum score just because you answered the wrong question?
So, it is not a complicated quiz, it just requires a little though.
Well, the clock is ticking, the professor is waiting, his marking pen poised and ready to start scribbling madly away in order to mark your results.
Good luck – and away you go!
If the December 2017 quiz doesn’t begin when you click start please click here.