The Jack The Ripper Quiz For September 2016

Good heavens, it’s September already. It seems like only seconds ago that we were ushering in the New Year and 2016 was all ahead of us.

Now there are a mere three months left in the year and there are – wait for this one – less than one hundred shopping days left to Christmas. At least, that’s what I read in the paper!

If you would prefer to bypass the following details on how the quiz is structured, simply scroll down to the bottom of the page, enter your name and click start.


Time might fly past, but of one thing you can always be certain. I won’t let a single month go by without bringing you another of my fiendish Jack the Ripper quizzes.

Now, I know I’m a little later than usual with my September offering but, as the saying goes, it’s better late than never.


So, the September quiz is now live; and what a mind-twisting, synapse-jumping set of questions there are for you to answer.

As per the usual format, the questions have a combination of true or false or multiple-choice answers. This means that, even if you don’t actually know the correct answer, you have either a 50/50 or a 25% chance of getting the answer correct, as it will be staring you in the face, so to speak. You just have to decide which of those two (in the case of the true or false answers) or the four (in the case of the multiple choice) is the correct one.


To begin the quiz, you just need to enter a name in the box below and click start.

It doesn’t even have to be your own name. The only reason we ask for it is so that you can be presented with your certificate once you have answered all ten questions on the quiz.

So, if you would prefer not to give your actual name that is fine, you can use any name of your choice – and boy have we had some strange names over the 14 months we have been running these quizzes!

Sometimes – and especially on i-pads and i-phones – the quiz doesn’t start on clicking the button. Should this happen, simply scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will find a white link that will take you to the quiz in the event of it not working on the page.


There are no limits to the number of times you can do the quiz so, if you so desire, you can try time and again should you not succeed the first time. Each time that you complete the quiz you will be awarded a new certificate from our esteemed Department of Ripperology – is there no end to our generosity?

Well, that’s enough of the preamble, the time has come to pit your wits against our Jack the Ripper quiz master, so, when you are ready —— GO!