Beat The Ripper

Now, this one is a real humdinger of a quiz!

The mission, should you choose to accept it, is to Beat the Ripper by answering 20 mind-jarring questions on the case in less than 6 minutes. Are you up to the task?

The questions are of varying degrees of difficulty. Some of them might be instantly answerable, others might take a little time to ponder and research to reach a solution. However, you can’t take too long, because a clock will be ticking telling you how much time you have left to answer all 20 questions and Beat the Ripper.


If you want to get started without reading the preamble simply scroll to the bottom of this page, enter your name, or a name, and off you go. If you fancy a bit of preamble, then please read on.

A man looking at a poster showing various Jack the Ripper suspects.
Which One Was The Ripper?


The questions posed are a mix of multi-choice, true or false or match a name to a name.

As with any test, exam or quiz it is imperative to read the questions as mistakes are often made simply because the question was incorrectly read.


Once you’ve completed the quiz you’ll be awarded as certificate detailing your score which you can then, if you wish to, share with your friends and show them that you succeeding in getting the better of Jack the Ripper, or that he got the better of you – should that be the result!

You could even share the quiz with your friends and see which of you gets the highest, or lowest, score. That way it’s a lot more competitive.


So, if you’re  ready, it is time for the ordeal to begin.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to answer the 20 questions of the Whitechapel Murders and see how many of them you get right.

To begin, you will need to enter your name in the boxes below. Your name is only required so that you can be presented with the certificate at the end of the quiz. If you’d rather not enter your own name, then you can enter any name you choose – Jack Ripper is proving quite a popular one!

The quiz will self destruct after 6 minutes.

There’s not a moment to lose so, one two three…… BEGIN!