Blue Badge Guides

A London Tourist Guide Blue badge.In addition to being internationally recognised as leading Jack the Ripper experts, several of our guides have also attained the highest accolade in British tourist guiding – The Blue Badge.

If your guide sports a Blue badge then you know that they are 100% licensed and registered, having passed a series of rigorous practical and written exams set by the Institute of Tourist Guiding.

Having qualified, a Blue Badge Tourist Guide is then registered with the Institute – ensuring that you, the client, are taken around by a reputable and competent guide who is 100% legitimate.

When you are considering taking a tour around London, and in particular a Jack the Ripper Tour, you really do have to be careful who you book with.

Questions you should ask are, has this guide written any books on Jack the Ripper? If they have then you can be sure that you are going to be taken around by an expert and not someone who has just read a few books on the Whitechapel Murders.

But you also need to be sure that your guide is licensed by the relevant authorities (you wouldn’t, for example, get into an unlicensed taxi) and Blue Badge Guides are licensed by the Institute of Tourist Guiding and, therefore, have to adhere to a strict code of conduct to ensure that you get a guide who can not only be held to account if they don’t deliver but who also carries full public liability insurance. In short, being shown around by a Blue Badge Guide means that you are being taken around by a reputable, licensed and accountable guide.

Our guides are either fully qualified Blue Badge London Guides, or else they are published authors who are acknowledged and respected in the field of ripper studies as genuine experts on the Jack the Ripper case.

It is this combination of the use of experts and licensed guides that have helped make our Jack the Ripper Tour the market leader for the last 30 years and is your guarantee that you will be in the company of a legitimate Jack the Ripper Walk guide.