Our First Facebook Competition

Yesterday we concluded our first Facebook competition and the free signed copy of Richard’s book Uncovering Jack The Ripper’s London was won by Andy Miller. So  congratulations to Andy and we hope you enjoy the book, which is now on its way.

Our Jack the Ripper Tour Facebook page is the place to go for all our latest news and views on the Whitechapel Murders. But it’s also the place to go to be entered into our prize draws for books and DVDs.

Our acclaimed drama/documentary Uncovering Jack The Ripper’s London will be our next prize offering and you’ll be able to watch the introduction to it both here and on our Jack the Ripper Tours Facebook page.

We’re planning an observation question to win the copy of the DVD so be sure to stay tuned for your chance to become the proud owner of the documentary.

We’re also currently putting together an unbeatable and truly fantastic prize that we’re sure you will want to win, so be sure to read our regular updates here for more information.

On another note, this week has been a very busy week for Richard Jones and Jenny Phillips in that they’ve been filming a Jack the Ripper segment for a Travel Channel documentary which is due to air in the US during the Olympic Games.

We’ll post the time and date here when we know more.

In the meantime why not get over to our Facebook page for all the latest gossip about what we’re up to and for the chance to win some great prizes?