The April Jack The Ripper Quiz

It’s time for another quiz on the Jack the Ripper murders.

This one is a mixture of questions, or challenges as some might call them, that have either true or false or multiple choice answers.

The questions concern people and locations connected with various Whitechapel Murders and cover several, if not all of the crimes.

The important thing is to take your time and read the question. As with any exam – although this is for fun(!) – if you don’t read the question you might misunderstand what you’re actually being asked and all might then be lost!


Getting started is a breeze. Simply enter your name in the box below. As always, it doesn’t actually have to be your actual name, since we only ask for it so we can personalise the certificate that you will be presented with – courtesy of our esteemed Department of Ripperology –  once you have completed the ten questions.


Should you experience any problems when you start the quiz (it doesn’t work on some devices),  just scroll down to the foot of the page and click the white text link that reads “Jack The Ripper April 2016 Quiz.” This will take you directly to the quiz and will, therefore, hopefully solve the problem.

Anyway, that’s enough of an introduction, the time has come to knuckle down and get started.

So when you are ready ……. it’s time to begin the challenge!

Best of luck.