It’s Quiz Time!
Yes, indeed; the February 2020 Jack the Ripper Quiz is now up, and is ready for our quiz aficionados to get to grips with.
Obviously, if you are regular taker of our monthly challenges then you won’t need any guidance on how it is structured and on how it works. If that is the case, simply enter your name, or a name of your choosing, into the box below, hit the “start” button, and off you go.
If you are new to our quizzes then here is a little guidance to get you off to a good start.
The Quiz consists of ten questions about the Jack the Ripper murders specifically, and about the history of the Whitechapel atrocities in general.
They require either multi-choice or true and false answers, so you will need to choose the correct answers from the choice that is placed before you.
That’s, in a nutshell, how the quiz works.
To start the quiz, you will need to enter a name in the appropriate two boxes. It can be your name, but, in honesty, it doesn’t have to be your name. We only ask this because, on completing the Quiz, you will be given a certificate that will give your score and the date you took your quiz.
So, you can use any name of your choosing.
Once you have entered a name, hit the start button and the quiz will begin immediately.
If it doesn’t (the quiz sometimes has issues with iPhones and iPad’s) then just click on the white link directly under the quiz and this will resolve the problem.
We don’t put any limits on the quiz. So you won’t have to complete it in a certain time, you can take as long as you wish.
Also, there are no limits on the number of attempts you can make. If your first attempt is not what you consider to be up to par, just have another go.
Your scores, incidentally, are not made public, so nobody else will see your score, unless, that is, you choose to share your certificate with your friends, family, and/or colleagues.
And that really is all there is to our monthly Jack the Ripper challenge.
So, when you are ready, enter the name under which you wish to be known, hit the “Start” button – and away you go.
Best of Luck!