A Tour of London

Today we thought we’d treat you to a tour of Secret London and show you some of the hidden places of the City away from the East End of London. We hope you enjoy this little look at some of the Capital’s lesser known sights and sites.

The tour begins alongside the Roman Wall, 2,000 years old and one of those delightful little hidden nooks that makes exploring London such a joy.

You will then be taken to Guildhall, London’s medieval palace, built between 1411 and 1440, and the place from which London has been governed for hundreds of years.

You then venture into a warren of tucked away alleyways that are still as they were when Charles Dickens set parts of Pickwick Papers and A Christmas Carol in them.

Finally the on line video tour takes you to Tower Hill where executions were carried out in public for hundreds of years. As Richard observes in the commentary it is very much “a bloodstained spot.” Just across the road from it is the Tower of London behind the imposing stone walls of which many unfortunate prisoners found themselves incarcerated not knowing what their ultimate fate would be.

Others who came here most certainly knew  that their fate would be a private beheading inside the Tower at the whim of a fickle monarch such as Henry VIII, two of whose wives – Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard – were beheaded inside the Tower of London.

So, we hope you enjoy this short on line tour of some of the lesser known places in London.