It’s an intriguing part of our nightly walking tour to see just what people know about the Jack the Ripper crimes and the history of the East End of London in general. The Whitechapel Murders could easily be […]
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There has been much talk over the last year, or at least ever since the end of the London 2012 Olympics, about the Olympic legacy. It got me thinking about whether or not it could be argued that […]
Read ArticleThe East End of London has seen an awful lot of change since Jack the Ripper’s day. Indeed, in some ways, Jack the Ripper might have been the catalyst that sparked off a lot of the initial change […]
Read ArticleThe programme Ripper Streethas been playing on UK Television over the last few weeks and it tells the story of the hunt for Jack the Ripper. It airs tonight on BBC America and features Matthew Macfadyen as Detective […]
Read ArticleJack the Ripper’s victims shared many things in common and, in a way, they reflected the shortcomings of Victorian society. Early on in the Jack the Ripper case the police were following the line of enquiry that the […]
Read ArticleIn 1888 the East End of London was a veritable melting pot of many different nationalities. It was very much the immigrant district of London, due largely to its proximity to the London Docks. Newly arrived immigrants would […]
Read ArticleIt’s often bandied about by writers, historians and amateur sleuths that the going rate for a prostitute on the streets of Jack the Ripper’s East End was 4d. Indeed, the term “a fourpenny knee trembler” has passed into […]
Read ArticleSince we will never be 100% certain who Jack the Ripper was it follows that we will never know for sure the exact number of victims that he had. Although it is generally said that he had five […]
Read ArticleWhen you think of Jack the Ripper you, inevitably, thing of foggy and gas lit streets. Now, in all honesty, on the nights when the murders took place fog was conspicuous by its absence. For that matter, as […]
Read ArticleThe Jack the Ripper murders impacted on Victorian society in several ways. As far as some of the wealthier citizens who lived in the west of London were concerned he was the embodiment of all the fears and […]
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